Ways to Support Your Allatoona Community
- Community Litter Management
- Make sure your home or business property meets Bartow Code
- Adopt-a-Road
- Contact Keep Bartow Beautiful directly at 770-387-5167 or henshaws@bartowga.org
- Or ask for assistance through ACA
- Annual Community Junk Dump
- Annual Lake Allatoona Clean-Up
- Join or start a new Neighborhood Watch Group in your neighborhood
- Contact ACA if you would like to meet other neighborhood representatives to share ideas
- Speak Up: What kind of support do you or your neighborhood need?
- Take a look around: what do you think you, your neighborhood or business can do to help the community?
- Attend ACA Community meetings
- Bring your ideas to the ACA Community Meetings or call/email them in
- Report Crime in your neighborhood. Keep reporting…….don’t give up
- Report Violations to County Code and Corps Regulations….. keep reporting
- Volunteer to work with the ACA Board Committees
- VOTE in County elections!
- Let the ACA know when you have a talent, resource, idea, etc., to contribute to the health of our community