IMPORTANT! Click here to download the Bartow County Planning and Zoning brochure containing a reference guide to zoning ordinances.

Zoning and Building Code Enforcement

Long Term Allatoona Community Clean-up Project Continues
The project “Allatoona Community Clean-up” is a long term commitment for both our community and Bartow County officials…striving for neighborhoods that are safe, clean, and cared for places to live; and at the very least, compliant with basic County and State ordinances. The County has expressed its commitment to maintain a high level of Enforcement activity in the Allatoona Community; this includes re-visits to previous code citations. Please take care of your property. Whether you rent or own, avoid code violations before County code enforcement intervention becomes necessary.

Here’s What’s Happening in Our Community

Our community is a mixture of folks who have respect for their community and take care of their homes, rentals and neighborhoods and those who simply do not. It’s no secret – our community has been found to have an excess of abandoned mobile homes, yard and empty lot junk, inoperative vehicles etc., but not all, due to poorly managed rental property. At present, we have high turnover rental properties which means that landlord and renter responsibilities for facility and property maintenance must be addressed. We have to follow the basic rules (codes) of Bartow County. The Bartow County Sheriff’s Department, Zoning, Environmental Code, and Building Code Enforcement Officers are travelling our community regularly.

Here’s What Happens – IF we DON’T Clean-up

Failure to clean up property on a voluntary basis can lead to a Bartow County Zoning and or Environmental citation and court summons. Businesses, property owners, home owners and renters (along with the property owner/landlord) will be cited. Here are the basic Bartow County property violations which can lead to a citation and court summons if not addressed in a timely manner.(Warning then 5 days until Citation) for full Bartow County Zoning Ordinance and Unfit Housing Ordinance documents Examples of Routine Code Enforcement Focus:

  • Non-repairable, Junked, or Dismantled Vehicles allowed to remain on private property
  • Junked inoperative or broken equipment (lawnmower, bicycles, or machines)
  • Prohibited debris fill
  • Construction or demolition debris; other waste / garbage
  • Prohibited storage of tires
  • Tall grass or shrubbery
  • Prohibited recreational vehicle parking
  • prohibited sale of autos / vehicles in a residential zone
  • Scrap metal; junked inoperative or broken appliances (including vehicle parts)

Ways to report property violations, unfit structural and abandoned structure issues
(Give street and building number)

  • Email Allatoona Community Association (ACA) with request for complaint information to be submitted under ACA name on behalf of sender.
  • Email or call Code Enforcement Division Officers directly
Tim Castleberry – Code Enforcement Supervisor 770.607.6252
Rick Luense – Zoning Compliance Officer 770.383.7444